
Hi Hola 안녕하세요 Cześć こんにちは Bonjour

I'm Michalina!

I’m a UX/CX Strategist, Designer & Coach helping companies drive business growth through user-centered and inclusive solutions.


About Me

Launching new products and features can be expensive and difficult when you ignore your target customers’ needs. I can help you improve your strategy by identifying the key issues hindering your growth and support you in optimizing your solutions to stay competitive in the market.

My work has brought clients multi-million growth just by launching small optimization improvements on their websites.

Michalina Bidzinska's photo


Articles and News

I write articles on UX design and research to inspire and support other designers across the world. You can often spot them in UX Magazine, UX Collective, and UX Planet. 



Portfolio available upon request.



If you’re a junior or mid-level designer looking for help and career guidance, you can now book a mentorship session with me on ADPList.


Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. I will respond as soon as I can.